
State School for 1.5 thousand students, Sovetskaya street

Status: a project that received an approval from the state expertise, planned for construction
Floors: 4 floors
Plot area: 21.000 sq.m
Building area: 6 000 sq.m
Capacity: 1500 students
Customer: Department of capital construction of the city of Yekaterinburg.

A task
For PLAN B this project started in May 2018. It was necessary to design a new building for the already existing grammar school No. 47, fitting it into a very small area. In addition to the school itself, it was necessary to place a large sports hall on the site, with capacity not only for the students of this school, but also for the students of the neighbouring school No. 35.

The square plot did not allow us to apply the standard layout scheme, where all the rooms are stretched into long blocks parallel to each other. Therefore, we assembled these two "corrugated" blocks and connected them together.
Gymnasium No. 47 has a very strong department of additional education in the field of performing arts. The school already had music, dance, and singing sections, so together with the customer's representatives we paid special attention to the assembly hall.
We have a huge assembly hall for 450 seats, with an upper tier. The hall can be transformed for different types of use and even divided into two separate halls - large and small.
The highlight of this school is that it can also work as an object of social and cultural life for the district. One of the current trends is the use of school premises during non-school hours. Sports halls in many schools are rented out after school hours, school halls become election stations, assembly halls sometimes host meetings of residents of the district.
Therefore, together with the customer, we designed this school as a potential multifunctional center. We tried to provide scenarios for the use of different spaces of the school so that additional activities did not interfere with the educational process and did not intersect with it.
Architectural solution We gave ourselves the task of making this school the center of attraction for this area. We wanted to create an unusual facade. This was not an easy task, given the rather complex plan already created for the school.
On the one hand, we were inspired by the idea to rethink the style of “old school” red-brick school projects in Yekaterinburg, as well as images of old European schools. We tried to imagine the school that is popular among children, one that they would all definitely want to go to and realized that this image was created before us - Hogwarts.
On the other hand, the Pionersky district mainly consists of prefabricated houses. The schools that already exist in the area are also mostly large-panel, so a direct quotation of the redbrick style would look a bit misplaced.
Thus, the building has a completely modern architecture, which includes some details that refer to that fabulous image. These are pitched roofs, skylights, a library turret, finishing details.